Please call during office hours 403-775-2630 or visit our “Contact Us” page to book a tour. We will be glad to set up an appointment time for you to come and see our campground.
What does a site cost to rent for the season?
We have several sizes of sites available from single to multi – unit sites. We also have non-powered as well as powered sites. Please call for pricing 403-775-2630.
What size are your single sites?
Most sites are large (80 x 90 feet). Size does vary on some of the sites due to trees and terrain.
What about overnight camping?
All sites are season long sites. Overnight camping is allowed for guests of our season long campers.
When is the best time to contact your office?
You can email us at any time at [email protected] . Call us anytime. If we are unavailable at the moment, please leave a message and we will get back to you.
Do you have power or other hookups?
Sewer pickup will be provided on site on a weekly basis. There is a sani-dump site presently available in the village of Glenwood just ½ mile north of the campground. Potable water is available to all sites. Powered sites have 30 amp power.